Montag, Dezember 18, 2006

... More Beer... or something...

... nee, also im Ernst: Mein absolutes Lieblingslied bei YouTube... und dann redet so´n sozialpädagogisch angehauchtes Girlie Unsinn dazwischen... einfach zu witzig... also, der Text hier noch´mal zum Mitsingen (falls ihn doch noch jemand nicht auswendig kennt):

The final page is written in the books of history,
as man unleashed his deadly bombs and sent troops overseas
to fight a war which cant be won and kills the human race,
a show of greed and ignorance, mans quest for dominance
they say when a mistake is made, a lesson has be learned
but this time, theres no second chance, the hate engulfs the world
a million lives are lost each day, a city slowly burns,
a mother holds her dying child, but no one is concerned!

(Danke an ... O.K. ... und jetzt alle mitsingen...

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